Sunday, September 16, 2018

Recent publication

I have been very silent. I promise to have something to say here more frequently shortly.

In the meantime, here is a link to a paper I published recently, and which should be followed by two more related articles within the next half year.

My aim is to show

1. That Frege's doctrine is more homogenous in essence than the changes introduced in 1891/92 might suggest.

2. That most of the criticism young Wittgenstein puts forth against Frege and Russell in the Tractatus applies correctly to the latter but if at all, much less to the former (as I hope my current article exemplifies).

3. That the projection of current views of logic sits badly with Frege, as I hope to show in my next article, mainly by analysing Kripke's treatment of "indirect senses" in «Frege’s Theory of Sense and Reference: Some Exegetical Notes» Theoria 74: 181–218.

4. Finally, I want to show in the last article of the series that giving up "judgeable content" for "the horizontal" and sense/meaning, respectively (yes, I don´t agree with the usual attempts to translate Frege's "Bedeutung" either) is not a radical break from judgements to truth conditions, as Dummett and others suggested. It is, instead, a technical means that -contrary to appearance- does not imply a profound shift in doctrine. Once this is seen, it will also be able to notice that Frege is closer to the mature Wittgenstein than at first it would seem.

I don´t know yet about the language of the two articles I still mean to write. Could be I try German (which means it would have to be published in a bilingual form in Disputatio since only English, Spanish and Portuguese are currently published there without translation; or else I try to publish it somewhere else). I think Spanish should be used more often also when writing on topics related to Language Philosophy. But well, maybe for one of these three articles I'll try my hand on an English paper.

Here's the link:

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