Friday, June 16, 2017

New Start: What I'm up to.

I have not been able to make up my mind as to how to go on with this blog. I have not been able to keep up with a lot of things and I don´t foresee that this will change soon.

But I want to make a statement that I will be able to find later and from which I might be able to continue eventually. It goes something like this:

I am dedicated, as far as I am, to the exploration of Wittgenstein's philosophy and to the genesis of modern logic and semantics at the end of XIX and start of XX. All of this, because I live under the impression that it was there that we missed opportunities and because Wittgenstein is still the best guide to discover them - there are of course many other thinkers who see this similarly in one way or another, Hans Sluga, the "new wittgensteinians", "neofregeans", Jaakko Hintikka and many other bright thinkers close to his ideas, or Robert B. Brandom, to mention just a few.

So I hope, eventually my work through other means (my doctoral research at; my work as secretary of redaction at, occasional participation in congresses, conferences, workshops, talks, etc. mainly in Mexico) will spill over here and with time get feed back from my readers here.

So I do not promise any regularity, for the time being.

But I hope I will be able to offer some item of some interest on some occasions.

Your commentaries will always be welcome and appreciated.

Yours truly

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Kurt:

    Bien, seguramente ayudaría si pusieras aquí en tu blog una lista completa y actualizada de todos tus escritos filosóficos, con todo y los respectivos enlaces (links) para acceder a ellos en forma directa, cuando estén publicados en sitios de acceso libre, como, por ejemplo, todos tus artículos en Disputatio. Tener la lista completa de artículos tuyos ya publicados, con el resumen respectivo, y el enlace directo, sería mucho más cómodo y eficaz que tener meramente el enlace a la revista. Igualmente, en Disputatio podría haber también un enlace para tu blog. Así, cualquiera de tus lectores, independientemente de la página donde se encuentre al principio, podría tener un acceso inmediato y directo al resto de tus trabajos.

    Un abrazo, J.
